Tuesday, September 18, 2012

world 8

in an effort to break the kids of their wii habit, i try to keep them out of the house as much as possible.  sure - it would be easier to just stand my ground and NOT allow them to play while we're home but there is only so much screaming and thrashing one human being can take before caving.  thankfully, the kids have made it through 8 of the 9 worlds in mario.  my fingers are crossed that they save the damn princess within the next week and slowly lose interest.  hopefully.

since i like to prove that my kids' intellect is not rapidly deteriorating with every bleep and bloop of video games, i try to squeeze in actual knowledge around the mundane tasks of life.  over dinner, i tried to explain halves and fourths using our food.  i'm pretty sure the take-away from this lesson is that one half of spinach equals zero because hardie doesn't like yucky stuff.  otherwise, i am pleased to announced that bea has mastered the four cardinal directions.  while taking a bath, she made a pirate ship, complete with compass, and then explained which direction each pirate's sword was facing.  i tried to explain fractions using spinach and tilapia, bea explains north and south using weapons.  clearly we are never ever ever going to make it in regular school. 

freebirds etiquette lesson

a lesson in itchy foilage

counting black beans
the arts: literature and fashion

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