Tuesday, September 4, 2012

pretty pictures

today was an exercise in artistic achievement.  hardie has taken up bea's favorite technique of coloring in rainbow.  i'm not sure where the D ran off to in his name or why the H A R all look suspiciously similar but i'm pleased with the development of both his increased interest in writing and his flair for, well, flair.

a study in rainbow letter by hardie
i love you, ikea pillow by bea
rainbow fish, kicking hello kitty ass by hardie
this has to be my favorite creation of the evening.  as it was explained to me, this is an illustration of bea's birthday party at a school called 'B-Fun'.  bea is represented at the bumble bee, while i am the butterfly and hardie is the fly.  there is also a bird, a fly, fire ant, a catepillar, and a grasshopper. since only some of the creatures can fly, those without wings are floating on leaves.  in the corner is a lonely sugar ant who is shaking his body so that he might look more like a spider.  everyone is having a snowball fight and has a grey snowball in their...hands? except for the sugar ant/spider.  he's already thrown his to the fly.  i am now more than ever intrigued by what goes on that little blonde head of bea.  it must be a fabulous place.  and also a terrifying place with changeling attack insects.  

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