Monday, September 17, 2012

weekend wrap-up, now with more napping

this weekend was both busy and profoundly lazy.  saturday was the last bout of the derby season (yay) and the kids came with me to see the game.

i'd like to say that this was the end of the night, but this is pretty much what the kids did while i skated.  after the game bea woke up enough to congratulate me on my win but went right back to sleep.  i don't think hardie woke up at all.  they are so supportive, those tiny people.

no one was interested in church sunday morning.  no one.

but things got a little rosier at breakfast. 

i'd like to say that we spent the balance of sunday being active and not watching tv or playing wii but i would also like to say that i don't lie so, um, yeah.  in an effort to not feel completely useless, we did have two really bad science lesson.  the first was dissecting a wasp's nest and the second was popping popcorn.  in both instances i was learned that, for the most part, i am science dumb.  i also learned that writhing wasp pupae are universally creepy.  next week i will either look up actual information before exposing my kids to 'um, yeah...the and then explodes.  it makes a cool noise.'

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