Tuesday, September 11, 2012

no gooooooooooooooooooooooooooal

yesterday was the first day of the fall soccer season and it was a total fail.  bea's coach didn't show up, nor did most of the team which leads me to believe that some sort of communication went out that we were not a part of either changing the day or the time or both.  so we used the opportunity to go to the pool and experience a late summer swimming fail - a freak cold front moved in and the pool was freezing.  overall, not a very sporty day but at least we stayed busy.

in school news, i happened to see bea walking with her class on friday and it didn't look like she'd made much progress in the social sphere.  she was walking alone, head down, at least 3 feet from another child.  i talk to her every night about school and she never mentions being lonely and she talks about other kids so i'm not sure if i just happen to always catch her at a lonely moment or if she interacts with a lot of people on a superficial level but doesn't have anyone she considers a friend.  hardie is ever aloof and almost never acknowledges that anyone else exists in his world outside of his immediate family.  academically they are both doing well.  bea is excelling at math in a way that is almost intimidating.  she seems to enjoy the montessori environment though sometimes i wonder whether it contributes to her isolation.  hardie's teachers make a point of chasing us down the hallway to say what a great student he is and how much of a joy he is to have in their class.  i suspect that he spends all day in quiet complacency waiting for the moment when he gets to play wii. 

not soccer

not soccer

not pleasant

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