Tuesday, September 4, 2012

laboring day of love. and wii.

i try to fill our days with activities other than playing wii, which has become the kids' most favorite activity.  ever.  ever.  the official guideline for 'screen time' is no more than 2 hours per day but if you've ever had to sit through 2 hours of the super mario brothers' theme song you will recognize that this is roughly 1 hour and 55 minutes too much.  it is also remarkably difficult to find 2 hours worth of activities that are as engaging as mario or as conducive to napping on the couch while the kids play in the (virtual) sewers.  and so labor day was a day of errands and shopping and car washing and math and heat...and wii.  and a nap.

hardie was not so excited to leave the house (wii) and would only do so as spiderman. 
since bea's daily homework is a vague 'do math' and i have no idea how to teach math, i am stumbling through teaching her whatever math i can think of that might be easy to explain.  addition and subtraction, some easy times tables, geometry.  i don't know if i'm helping or ultimately harming here since i'm not instructing in any sort of state-mandated, foundations-of-learning, this-will-come-in-handy sort of way.  i'm just throwing out some numbers and shapes and theories and seeing what happens.  also there is no theory teachings, i just liked the way that sentence sounded.

haphazard math lesson
haphazard math lesson nap

when we've resorted to math problems for fun, its time to go ahead and admit that the day is super lame and probably it would be better to just give in, play wii, and pretend that that whole geometry lesson never happened.
aaaaaaaaaand wii
since its pretty apparent in this photo, hardie's staph infection isn't improving.  he's developing sores on his back, his neck, and on his scalp.  they don't seem to be getting as infected as bea's got but what they lack in germ they make up for in quantity.  every night i find myself putting medicine on more and more of his little body.  i just can't get on top of it.  thankfully it has not had an impact on his ability to play wii.  thankfully.

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