Wednesday, August 22, 2012

in which i get injured and the children get chicken

monday i promised the kids we would go to the park after family boot camp but since i tend to forget that the instructors lead the class as boot camp + children rather than boot camp FOR children i was completely exhausted and the thought of having to even walk the distance to the play equipment at the gym seemed impossible.  i told bea that i would make it up to her prompting her to ask what the heck 'making it up' meant.  i explained that it meant i had disappointed her but that i would try to make her happy again soon.  this is only one of many expressions she's learned lately including 'boo-yah'.  she doesn't quite yet understand when to use the term so we get a lot of random BOO-YAH around the house.  time to take a bath?  BOO-YAH.  ready for dinner?  BOO-YAH.  can't find the brush?  BOO-YAH.  it is a lot like living with a drunk frat boy except slightly less douchey and decidedly cuter.

according to the gym:
 hurley and Bbbb

yesterday our plan was to go to the park after the gym [during which i managed to have a near death experience in a spin class] with the contingency plan that if it was raining or dark we would go to chik-fil-a.  clearly the kids were not aware of the political implications of chik-fil-a and i figured it was too soon to explain so i surreptitiously ventured to the restaurant and tried to pretend that i wasn't a bigot.  much chicken ensued and everyone was surprisingly willing to leave - nary a complaint or whine - leading me to believe that chik-fil-a is including valium in their nuggets, perhaps as a means of calming the raging crowds.  or it was late and they were tired.  either way it made for a pleasant experience all around.

at home we played for a bit and then watched a pony movie together, though i fell asleep about 5 minutes in so i honestly have no idea how the kids made it back to their beds or whether they managed to wander into the street in the middle of the night but i'm pretty sure they still exist.  BOO-YAH.

an impromptu camping trip

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