Tuesday, November 13, 2012

the color of running

saturday marked what i expected to be the highlight of my ~7 years of parenting - the moment that my interests and my child's merged together in some magical cosmic swirl of happiness.  bea and i ran a 5k. 

sort of.

the race was the houston color run and the whole point of the run was to get splashed with dyed cornstarch while shuffling about the streets of downtown houston.  while the 'race' wasn't timed, there was at least a vague expectation of jogging between cornstarch throwing stations (each ~1k apart).  i can knock out a 5k in about 25-26 minutes on a good day.  it took us over an hour to reach the finish line.

bea was only able to run about a quarter of a mile before getting a stitch in her side and spent the remainder of the run apologizing to me.  it was pretty much the lowlight of my ~7 years of parenting.  i have become one of those overbearing mothers that eventually get featured on a tlc reality show berating their daughters for not excelling in something they (the daughter) clearly has no personal interest in.  bea hated running but i think she hated disappointing me even more.  we managed to cheer one another up after some hugging and crying on an overpass and played in the last cornstarch station, yellow.  i am presently googling child-friendly salons in houston for a mother/daughter manicure outing - i figure its only fair to do something that i don't like but would make the beazle happy. 

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