Friday, January 11, 2013

yesterday was my birthday and, while it started with a sputter, it ended with quite a bang.  to my ego.  i came home to a surprise 'party' hosted by the munchkins, complete with balloons and cake and handmade signs wishing me the happiest of birthdays.  my spirits however the constant chanting of  'YOU'RE 36!  YOU'RE 36!' certainly did not allow any escape of my disappointment in my inevitable aging.  the party abruptly ended after beatrice, upon poking my chest, announcing 'YOUR BOOBIES ARE MORE SQUISHY!'

we spent the rest of the evening in quiet reflection, eating icing from the jar and generally contemplating age.  ok, the kids played wii and i sulked on the coach.  at least i can say that my birthday present was the knowledge that my children are both thoughtful (they threw me a party!) and blissfully unaware of time.

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